by James Lamusse | May 17, 2024
Auto & General, Dial Direct, Budget, 1st For Woman, Oakhurst, SA Underwriters, King Price, MiWay, Unity, and Virseker.
by James Lamusse | May 17, 2024
Immediately change your password. Use your account settings to log out of all other devices. Activate two-factor authentication if you haven’t already done so, and check that the correct method is selected for authentication. Check your account to see if everything is...
by James Lamusse | May 17, 2024
Just like bullying in person: victims appreciate having friends who understand, and take action to protect them. Do the right thing by at least reaching out to support the victim, and offering to be present through the process of taking action, whether that means...
by James Lamusse | May 17, 2024
We at Bidvest Insurance define cyber bullying as a form of harassment conducted using electronic means. This includes invasion, infringement or interference with your rights of privacy or publicity, which consists of being portrayed in a false light, unauthorised...
by James Lamusse | May 17, 2024
Your policy is active from the inception date and after the relevant waiting period has expired. This is calculated from your first successful premium collection.