- Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid getting distracted by things such as changing the radio or taking a peek at your phone.
- Approach red traffic lights slowly, always leaving enough space between you and the car in front, so that you have enough room should you have to pull an emergency escape maneuver.
- Where possible, change up your routine and common travel routes. Hijacking victims are often watched before the incident takes place.
- Be extra vigilant when approaching your driveway and when possible, only turn into your driveway when your gates are open so that you don’t become ‘cornered’ should hijackers block you in.
- Keep your valuables in the boot when driving to reduce the risk of smash and grabs
Should you find yourself in an unfortunate position of an active hi-jacking, follow these below tips:
- Do as they say – your car is not worth your life or the life of any others travelling with you
- Don’t make any sudden movements which could agitate or startle the hijacker
- Try and make a mental note of any key identifying factors or traits which will help in providing as much details to the police as possible
- Try and remain as calm as possible so you are not deemed as a threat
- It is a harsh reality that these are the types of things we must keep in mind, but as the saying goes, better safe than sorry. And although, we cannot prevent hijackings from happening, we can provide a hand of support through our Theftbuster Plus cover, ensuring that you get the help you need (both financially and emotionally) to get back on your feet as quickly as possible.
If you would like to find out more about Theftbuster Plus, complete the below form and we will be in touch to assist.