Easter Weekend Road Tripping Tips

The Easter long weekend provides the perfect opportunity for a welcomed ‘getaway’ weekend with family and friends, so it’s no wonder that this is one of the busiest times on our South African roads. Before heading out on your long weekend adventure, it is important to make sure you have everything you need for the trip and to ensure the safety of those in your car and those you will be sharing the road with by making sure your car is in a roadworthy condition. Here are a few pointers to add to your road trip checklist.

Safety first – is your car roadworthy

Check your car in for a maintenance appointment or do a quick check yourself to make sure your car is fit for the journey. The things you are going to want to check are:

  • All lights are and indicators are working
  • Oil, windscreen water and engine water
  • Tyre tread
  • Tyre pressure
  • Valid licence (For you and your car)

Hit the road Jack

Before hitting the road, make sure you have all the tools you make require such as a jack to change your tyre, a reflective triangle, a spare tyre, a torch and first aid kit.

Buckle up

It may seem obvious but is also something which often gets forgotten – it is your responsibility as the driver to make sure that everyone in your car is buckled in tight.

It’s more than just a petrol stop

The pre-road trip petrol stop is always an exciting one as the feeling of holiday begins to sink in. Use the opportunity not only to fill the tank but also to stock up on snacks and cool drinks and if you haven’t already, get your oil, fluids and tyres checked (and don’t forget the spare).


Road trips are fun but no one likes getting lost! Make sure you have a GPS or google maps on hand should you require some direction. Helpful road trip hack: Download google maps of the area you are travelling in, you can then use the map for directions offline when there’s no wifi, data or signal.

Don’t drink and drive

Again, it seems like an obvious one but if the number of drunk drivers arrested every Easter are any indication it is one that is often ignored. Also, be wary of other drivers on the road who might be under the influence.

There is joy in the journey

There is no need to rush and speed all the way through to your destination. Take your time and enjoy the journey.

Check your cover

Make sure you’ve got your insurance in place so that you are covered for any unexpected happenings and for those of you who have our Value Added Products such as Scratch & Dent cover and Tyre cover, you can feel that extra confidence when hitting the road for your Easter getaway.


Cover for you and for your car.

Bidvest Insurance offers a wide range of insurance products to meet both your personal and vehicular needs.

  • Legal Angel
  • Scratch and Dent
  • Tyre Angel
  • Theftbuster Plus
  • Warranty

Simply complete your details so a Bidvest Insurance consultant can call you back to assist you.

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