Disclosure Notice
The following disclosures are made in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act (No 37 of 2002), the Protection of Personal Information Act (No 4 of 2013) and the Policyholder Protection Rules established under the Regulations to the Short-Term Insurance Act (No 53 of 1998).
About the Insurer
Bidvest Insurance Limited, Registration No 1997/019461/06
A member of the South African Insurance Association; a licensed non-Life insurer; authorised to provide financial advice and intermediary services on short-term Insurance: personal Lines and commercial Lines.
FSP No: 46395
Address: 2nd Floor, Lincoln on the Lake, 2 The High Street, Umhlanga Ridge, 4319
Postal: PO Box 25038, Gateway, 4321
Tel: 0861 888 861
Email: info@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Website: bidvestinsurance.co.za
- The Compliance Officer for the insurer is Ms Slindile Nzimande who can be contacted per the above details or by email on compliance@bidvestinsurance.co.za.
- Bidvest Insurance Limited has professional indemnity and fidelity guarantee insurance and accepts responsibility for the financial advice of its representatives, acting in the scope and course of their employment.
- Bidvest Insurance Limited has a Conflict of Interest Management Policy that is available on its website.
- Bidvest Insurance Limited sales consultants are full-time employees and receive a once-off incentive on sales made.
- When the policy was sold, you consented to Bidvest Insurance Limited processing your personal information in terms of its insurance regulatory obligations and to keep you updated with any future offers from Bidvest Insurance Limited.
About the Administrator
Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd, Reg No 1967/000378/07, is Authorised to provide advice and intermediary services on Short-term Insurance: Personal Lines and Commercial Lines business.
FSP No: 44446
Address: 2nd Floor, Lincoln on the Lake, 2 The High Street, Umhlanga Ridge, 4319
Postal: P.O. Box 25038, Gateway, 4321
Tel: 0861 272 777
Email: admin@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Website: bidvestinsurance.co.za
- When your policy was sold to you, you provided consent for your personal information to be processed by the administrator.
- Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd is paid a fee as a percentage of gross written premiums for performing the binder activities, which is disclosed in the Policy Schedule. Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd is duly authorised by the Bidvest Insurance Limited to collect premiums on its behalf.
- The Compliance Officer for the Administrator is Associated Compliance (Pty) Ltd who can be contacted on:
Tel: (011) 678 2533; or email: info@associatedcompliance.co.za. - Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd has professional indemnity and fidelity guarantee insurance.
- Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd has a Conflict of Interest Management Policy that is available on its website.
- Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd does not hold more than 10% of the shares in Bidvest Insurance Limited and does not receive more than 30% of total remuneration from Bidvest Insurance Limited.
- You have a right to request call recordings and you can access or amend your personal information on record at PAIA@bidvestinsurance.co.za.
How to Institute a Claim
You may lodge a claim by calling 0861 272 777 or using one of the following email addresses (in alphabetical order):
Cyber Rescue: cyberclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Deposit Protector: depositclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Key Angel: keyclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Panic Alert: panicclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Scratch and Dent: scratchclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Shortfall Protection: shortfallclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Theftbuster: theftbusterclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Tyre Angel: tyreclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
Warranty: warrantyclaims@bidvestinsurance.co.za
- Claims should be submitted as soon as possible, and within 30 days of the claim event or within a shorter period if specified in the policy document. In the unfortunate event that your claim is rejected, this will be communicated to you in writing by Bidvest Insurance Limited.
- If you wish to dispute the outcome of the claim, you must raise an objection to Bidvest Insurance Limited in writing together with reasons within 90 days from the day you received written notification of the outcome of your claim using the contact details provided below.
Should you have a complaint, please submit it in writing or contact us on the following details:
Tel: 0861 272 777
Email: complaints@bidvestinsurance.co.za
If, after following the above steps, you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you may submit a complaint to the Ombudsman for Short-term Insurance at:
Postal: PO Box 32334, Braamfontein, 2017
Tel: 011 726 8900
Email: info@osti.co.za
Website: www.osti.co.za
Alternatively, if your complaint is related to the sale of your policy, you may submit a complaint to the FAIS Ombudsman at:
Postal: PO Box 74751, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
Tel: 012 762 5000
Email: info@faisombud.co.za
Website: www.faisombud.co.za
Should you wish to lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator regarding the processing of your personal information, their contact details are:
Postal: P.O Box 31533, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017
Email: complaints.IR@justice.gov.za
Website: www.justice.gov.za/inforeg/
Other matters of importance
- All material facts must be accurately, fully and properly disclosed by you. You are entirely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information provided by you or on your behalf.
- If any of the information provided changes, please contact Bidvest Insurance Brokers (Pty) Ltd on 0861 668 888 or admin@bidvestinsurance.co.za.
- Do not sign any blank documentation and wherever possible all documentation should be completed by you to ensure full details have been captured.
- Misrepresentation, incorrect or non-disclosure by you of any material facts or circumstances may impact negatively on any claims arising from your insurance policy.
- The policy wording and policy schedule must be read as one document.
Financial Sector Conduct Authority
Postal: PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102
Tel: 012 428 8000
Email: info@fsca.co.za
Website: www.fsca.co.za